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Strong#:1537 // lglg Gilgal
Orig:n pr loc // the same as \\01536\\
AV=41==>Gilgal 41
 Gilgal = "a wheel, rolling"

 1) the first site of an Israelite camp west of the Jordan, east of
    Jericho, here Samuel was judge, and Saul was made king; later used
    for illicit worship
 2) dwelling place of prophets in northern Israel about four miles
    (7 km) from Shiloh and Bethel
 3) a region conquered by Joshua, site unsure
    NASB:  circle (of stones), the name of several places in Pal.

Total: 41
Gilgal40·········· ·········· ·········· ··········
Bet-Gilgal [1004]1·
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