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Strong#:3962 // pathr pater
Orig:n m // apparently a root word
NASB:==>father(348), father's(13), fathers(53), parents(1).
AV=419==>Father 268, father 150
 1) generator or male ancestor
    1a) either the nearest ancestor: father of the corporeal
        nature, natural fathers, both parents
    1b) a more remote ancestor, the founder of a family or tribe,
        progenitor of a people, forefather: so Abraham is called,
        Jacob and David
        1b1) fathers i.e. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a nation
    1c) one advanced in years, a senior
 2) metaph.
    2a) the originator and transmitter of anything
        2a1) the authors of a family or society of persons animated by
             the same spirit as himself
        2a2) one who has infused his own spirit into others, who
             actuates and governs their minds
    2b) one who stands in a father's place and looks after another
        in a paternal way
    2c) a title of honour
        2c1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge
             and training they have received
        2c2) the members of the Sanhedrin, whose prerogative it was by
             virtue of the wisdom and experience in which they excelled,
             to take charge of the interests of others
 3) God is called the Father
    3a) of the stars, the heavenly luminaries, because he is their
        creator, upholder, ruler
    3b) of all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or
        men, because he is their creator, preserver, guardian and
        3b1) of spiritual beings and of all men
    3c) of Christians, as those who through Christ have been
        exalted to a specially close and intimate relationship with
        God, and who no longer dread him as a stern judge of
        sinners, but revere him as their reconciled and loving Father
     3d) the Father of Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to
         himself in the closest bond of love and intimacy, made
         acquainted with his purposes, appointed to explain and carry
         out among men the plan of salvation, and made to share also
         in his own divine nature
         3d1) by Jesus Christ himself
         3d2) by the apostles
    NASB:  a father:

Total: 416
Bapa183·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ···
ayah27·········· ·········· ·······
ayahnya25·········· ·········· ·····
Bapamu25·········· ·········· ·····
Bapa-Ku [3450]25·········· ·········· ·····
Bapa-Ku18·········· ········
bapa12·········· ··
Bapa-Nya [846]2··
Ayah-Mu [4675]1·
Bapa-Kulah [3450]1·
Bapa-Ku [3165]1·
Bapa-Mu [4675]1·
nenek moyang32·········· ·········· ·········· ··
nenek moyangmu10··········
Nenek moyang4····
Sang Bapa2··
nenek moyangnya2··
orang tuanya1·
bapa-bapa leluhur1·
bapa leluhur1·
nenek moyang-Nya [846]1·
Nenek moyangmu1·
para nenek moyang1·
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