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Strong#:4135 // plhroforew plerophoreo
Orig:v // from \\4134\\ and \\5409\\
NASB:==>accomplished(1), fulfill(1), fully accomplished(1), fully assured(2), fully convinced(1).
AV=5==>be fully persuaded 2, be most surely believed 1, be fully known 1, make full proof of 1
 1) to bear or bring full, to make full
    1a) to cause a thing to be shown to the full
        1a1) to fulfil the ministry in every part
    1b) to carry through to the end, accomplish
        1b1) things that have been accomplished
    1c) to fill one with any thought, conviction, or inclination
        1c1) to make one certain, to persuade, convince one
        1c2) to be persuaded, persuaded, fully convinced or assured
        1c3) to render inclined or bent on
    NASB:  to bring in full measure, to fulfill:

Total: 6
benar-benar yakin1·
berkeyakinan penuh1·
yang telah terjadi1·
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