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2 Chronicles 20:24
Ketika orang-orang Yehuda tiba di tempat pengintaian di padang gurun mereka memandang ke arah pasukan itu mereka melihat mayat-mayat bergelimpangan di tanah dan tidak seorang pun terluput
<3063> <935> <5921> <4707> <4057> <6437> <413> <1995> <2005> <6297> <5307> <776> <369> <6413>
AV: And when Judah <03063> came <0935> (8804) toward the watch tower <04707> (8677) <04708> in the wilderness <04057>, they looked <06437> (8799) unto the multitude <01995>, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies <06297> fallen <05307> (8802) to the earth <0776>, and none escaped <06413>. {none...: Heb. there was not an escaping}