Ezra 2:2
Mereka datang bersama Zerubabel Yesua Nehemia Seraya Reelaya Mordekhai Bilsan Mispar Bigwai Rehum dan Baana Inilah jumlah orang-orang bangsa Israel
<834> <935> <5973> <2216> <3442> <5166> <8304> <7480> <4782> <1114> <4558> <902> <7348> <1196> <4557> <376> <5971> <3478> <0>
AV: Which came <0935> (8804) with Zerubbabel <02216>: Jeshua <03442>, Nehemiah <05166>, Seraiah <08304>, Reelaiah <07480>, Mordecai <04782>, Bilshan <01114>, Mispar <04558>, Bigvai <0902>, Rehum <07348>, Baanah <01196>. The number <04557> of the men <0582> of the people <05971> of Israel <03478>: {Seraiah: also called, Azariah} {Reelaiah: or, Raamiah} {Mispar: or, Mispereth} {Rehum: or, Nehum}