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Genesis 46:6
Mereka membawa ternak-ternaknya dan barang-barangnya yang mereka dapatkan di tanah Kanaan Mereka pun tiba di Mesir Yakub beserta seluruh keturunannya
<3947> <853> <4735> <853> <7399> <834> <7408> <776> <3667> <935> <4714> <3290> <3605> <2233> <854>
AV: And they took <03947> (8799) their cattle <04735>, and their goods <07399>, which they had gotten <07408> (8804) in the land <0776> of Canaan <03667>, and came <0935> (8799) into Egypt <04714>, Jacob <03290>, and all his seed <02233> with him: