Isaiah 8:9
Hancurlah oh bangsa-bangsa Tercerai-berailah Berilah telinga hai tempat-tempat terpencil di bumi Ikatlah pinggangmu tetapi kamu akan dihancurkan berkeping-keping Ikatlah pinggangmu tetapi kamu akan dihancurkan berkeping-keping
<7489> <5971> <2865> <238> <3605> <4801> <776> <247> <2865> <247> <2865>
AV: Associate <07489> (8798) yourselves, O ye people <05971>, and ye shall be broken in pieces <02865> (8798); and give ear <0238> (8685), all <03605> ye of far <04801> countries <0776>: gird <0247> (8690) yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces <02865> (8798); gird <0247> (8690) yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces <02865> (8798). {people and: or, people, yet}