Ezekiel 42:6
Karena kamar-kamar itu ada di ketiga lantai dan kamar-kamar itu tidak memiliki pilar-pilar seperti pilar-pilar pelataran karena itu kamar-kamar atas dipersempit daripada lantai bawah dan lantai tengah
<3588> <8027> <2007> <369> <0> <5982> <5982> <2691> <5921> <3651> <680> <8481> <8484> <776>
AV: For they [were] in three <08027> (8794) [stories], but had not pillars <05982> as the pillars <05982> of the courts <02691>: therefore [the building] was straitened <0680> (8738) more than the lowest <08481> and the middlemost <08484> from the ground <0776>.