Genesis 12:5
Dia membawa Sarai istrinya dan Lot keponakannya dan semua harta yang telah mereka kumpulkan serta orang-orang yang diperolehnya di Haran Mereka pergi ke tanah Kanaan Kemudian mereka tiba di tanah Kanaan
<3947> <87> <853> <8297> <802> <853> <3876> <1121> <251> <853> <3605> <7399> <834> <7408> <853> <5315> <834> <6213> <2771> <3318> <1980> <776> <3667> <935> <776> <3667>
AV: And Abram <087> took <03947> (8799) Sarai <08297> his wife <0802>, and Lot <03876> his brother's <0251> son <01121>, and all their substance <07399> that they had gathered <07408> (8804), and the souls <05315> that they had gotten <06213> (8804) in Haran <02771>; and they went forth <03318> (8799) to go <03212> (8800) into the land <0776> of Canaan <03667>; and into the land <0776> of Canaan <03667> they came <0935> (8799).
Genesis 16:16
Abram berumur 86 tahun ketika Hagar melahirkan Ismael baginya
<87> <1121> <8084> <8141> <8337> <8141> <3205> <1904> <853> <3458> <87> <0>
AV: And Abram <087> [was] fourscore <08084> <08141> and six <08337> years <08141> old <01121>, when Hagar <01904> bare <03205> (8800) Ishmael <03458> to Abram <087>.