Leviticus 14:9
Pada hari ketujuh dia harus mencukur kepala jenggot alis bahkan semua rambutnya Lalu dia harus mencuci pakaiannya dan mandi dengan air Sesudah itu dia menjadi tahir
<1961> <3117> <7637> <1548> <853> <3605> <8181> <853> <7218> <853> <2206> <853> <1354> <5869> <853> <3605> <8181> <1548> <3526> <853> <899> <7364> <853> <1320> <4325> <2891>
AV: But it shall be on the seventh <07637> day <03117>, that he shall shave <01548> (8762) all his hair <08181> off his head <07218> and his beard <02206> and his eyebrows <01354> <05869>, even all his hair <08181> he shall shave <01548> (8762) off: and he shall wash <03526> (8765) his clothes <0899>, also he shall wash <07364> (8804) his flesh <01320> in water <04325>, and he shall be clean <02891> (8804).
Jeremiah 41:5
datanglah beberapa orang dari Sikhem Silo dan Samaria delapan puluh orang jumlahnya dengan jenggot mereka tercukur dan pakaian mereka robek-robek dan tubuh mereka tertoreh-toreh membawa kurban biji-bijian dan kemenyan untuk dipersembahkan di rumah TUHAN
<935> <376> <7927> <7887> <8111> <8084> <376> <1548> <2206> <7167> <899> <1413> <4503> <3828> <3027> <935> <1004> <3068>
AV: That there came <0935> (8799) certain <0582> from Shechem <07927>, from Shiloh <07887>, and from Samaria <08111>, [even] fourscore <08084> men <0376>, having their beards <02206> shaven <01548> (8794), and their clothes <0899> rent <07167> (8803), and having cut <01413> (8706) themselves, with offerings <04503> and incense <03828> in their hand <03027>, to bring <0935> (8687) [them] to the house <01004> of the LORD <03068>.