Numbers 1:52
Umat Israel harus mendirikan tenda mereka menurut pasukan masing-masing sesuai benderanya
<2583> <1121> <3478> <376> <5921> <4264> <376> <5921> <1714> <6635>
AV: And the children <01121> of Israel <03478> shall pitch their tents <02583> (8804), every man <0376> by his own camp <04264>, and every man <0376> by his own standard <01714>, throughout their hosts <06635>.
Numbers 3:39
Semua laki-laki orang Lewi yang dihitung oleh Musa dan Harun sesuai perintah TUHAN berdasarkan suku mereka setiap laki-laki berusia satu bulan ke atas berjumlah 22.000 orang
<3605> <6485> <3881> <834> <6485> <4872> <175> <5921> <6310> <3068> <4940> <3605> <2145> <1121> <2320> <4605> <8147> <6242> <505> <0>
AV: All that were numbered <06485> (8803) of the Levites <03881>, which Moses <04872> and Aaron <0175> numbered <06485> (8804) at the commandment <06310> of the LORD <03068>, throughout their families <04940>, all the males <02145> from a month <02320> old <01121> and upward <04605>, [were] twenty <06242> and two <08147> thousand <0505>.
Numbers 4:49
Sesuai dengan perintah TUHAN melalui Musa mereka semua dihitung Masing-masing sesuai tugas dan barang yang harus dibawanya Demikianlah mereka semua dihitung seperti yang TUHAN perintahkan kepada Musa
<5921> <6310> <3068> <6485> <853> <3027> <4872> <376> <376> <5921> <5656> <5921> <4853> <4853> <6485> <834> <6680> <3068> <853> <4872> <0>
AV: According to the commandment <06310> of the LORD <03068> they were numbered <06485> (8804) by the hand <03027> of Moses <04872>, every <0376> one <0376> according to his service <05656>, and according to his burden <04853>: thus were they numbered <06485> (8803) of him, as the LORD <03068> commanded <06680> (8765) Moses <04872>.
Joshua 22:9
Lalu keturunan Ruben keturunan Gad dan setengah suku Manasye itu pulang dan meninggalkan orang Israel dari Silo tanah Kanaan menuju ke tanah Gilead ke tanah milik mereka untuk didiami sesuai perintah TUHAN melalui Musa
<7725> <1980> <1121> <7205> <1121> <1410> <2677> <7626> <4519> <853> <1121> <3478> <7887> <834> <776> <3667> <3667> <1980> <413> <776> <1568> <413> <776> <272> <834> <270> <0> <5921> <6310> <3068> <3027> <4872>
AV: And the children <01121> of Reuben <07205> and the children <01121> of Gad <01410> and the half <02677> tribe <07626> of Manasseh <04519> returned <07725> (8799), and departed <03212> (8799) from the children <01121> of Israel <03478> out of Shiloh <07887>, which [is] in the land <0776> of Canaan <03667>, to go <03212> (8800) unto the country <0776> of Gilead <01568>, to the land <0776> of their possession <0272>, whereof they were possessed <0270> (8738), according to the word <06310> of the LORD <03068> by the hand <03027> of Moses <04872>.