Numbers 31:9
Bangsa Israel menangkap perempuan Midian dan anak-anaknya sebagai tawanan Mereka juga mengambil semua hewan ternak dan seluruh harta bendanya
<7617> <1121> <3478> <853> <802> <4080> <853> <2945> <853> <3605> <929> <853> <3605> <4735> <853> <3605> <2428> <962>
AV: And the children <01121> of Israel <03478> took [all] the women <0802> of Midian <04080> captives <07617> (8799), and their little ones <02945>, and took the spoil <0962> (8804) of all their cattle <0929>, and all their flocks <04735>, and all their goods <02428>.