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Joshua 18:17
Lalu batas melengkung ke utara menuju En-Semes dan menuju Gelilot di seberang tanjakan Adumim turun ke batu Bohan anak Ruben
<8388> <6828> <3318> <0> <5885> <3318> <413> <1553> <834> <5227> <4608> <131> <3381> <68> <932> <1121> <7205>
AV: And was drawn <08388> (8804) from the north <06828>, and went forth <03318> (8804) to Enshemesh <05885>, and went forth <03318> (8804) toward Geliloth <01553>, which [is] over against <05227> the going up <04608> of Adummim <0131>, and descended <03381> (8804) to the stone <068> of Bohan <0932> the son <01121> of Reuben <07205>,