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KJV : All the families <04940> of the Shuhamites <07749>, according to those that were numbered <06485> (8803) of them, [were] threescore <08346> and four <0702> thousand <0505> and four <0702> hundred <03967>.
NASB : All the families of the Shuhamites, according to those who were numbered of them, were 64,400.
NASB# : All<3605> the families<4940> of the Shuhamites<7749>, according to those who were numbered<6485> of them, were 64,400 <702><8346><505><702><3967>.
<03605> lk
every thing, all, whosoever [n m; 25]
<04940> txpsm
families 290, kindred 9 [n f; 301]
<07749> ymxwsh
Shuhamites 2 [adj pr; 2]
<06485> Mhydqpl
number 119, visit 59 [v; 305]
<0702> hebra
four 265, fourteen + \\06240\\ 19 [n, adj m, f; 316]
<08346> Myssw
threescore 47, sixty 12 [adj; 59]
<0505> Pla
thousand 500, eleven hundred + \\03967\\ 3 [n m; 505]
<0702> ebraw
four 265, fourteen + \\06240\\ 19 [n, adj m, f; 316]
<03967> twam
hundred 571, eleven hundred + \\0505\\ 3 [n f; 581]
<00> o
[; 0]