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Strong#:7927 // Mkv Sh@kem
Orig:n pr m, n pr loc // the same as \\07926\\, Greek \\4966\\ \~sucem\~
NASB:==>Shechem(61), Shechem's(2).
AV=63==>Shechem 61, Sichem 1, Strong's synonym for consent 1
 Shechem = "back" or "shoulder"

 n pr m
 1) son of Hamor, the chieftain of the Hivites at Shechem at the time
    of Jacob's arrival

 n pr loc
 2) a city in Manasseh; located in a valley between Mount Ebal and
    Mount Gerizim, 34 miles (54 km) north of Jerusalem and 7 miles
    (10.5 km) south- east of Samaria
    NASB:  ridge, a district in N. Pal., also a son of Hamor

Total: 51
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