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Strong#:8147 // Mynv sh@nayim or (fem.) Mytv sh@ttayim
Orig:adj // dual of \\08145\\
NASB:==>1,052*(2), 1,222*(1), 112*(3), 12*(2), 12,000*(8), 120,000*(1), 122*(2), 172*(1), 2,172*(2), 2,322*(1), 2,812*(1), 20,000*(2), 212*(1), 22,000*(7), 22,034*(1), 22,200*(1), 22,273*(1), 232*(1), 242*(1), 32*(1), 32,000*(2), 32,200*(2), 32,500*(1), 372*(2),
AV=768==>two 533, twelve + \\06240\\ 105, both 69, twelfth + \\06240\\ 21, second 10, twain 7, both of them 5, twice 5, double 5, misc 8
 1) two
    1a) two (the cardinal number)
        1a1) two, both, double, twice
    1b) second (the ordinal number)
    1c) in combination with other numbers
    1d) both (a dual number)
    NASB:  two (a card. number)

Total: 769
dua382·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ··
kedua115·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·····
keduanya30·········· ·········· ··········
Keduanya20·········· ··········
12 [6240]17·········· ·······
berdua15·········· ·····
215·········· ·····
Kedua15·········· ·····
Dua14·········· ····
sepasang13·········· ···
2/10 [6241]12·········· ··
22 [6242]9·········
32 [7970]8········
42 [705]6······
52 [2572]5·····
12.000 [6240, 505]5·····
22.000 [6242, 505]4····
112 [3967, 6240]3···
ke-12 [6240]3···
ke-32 [7970]3···
392 [7969, 3967, 8673]2··
20.000 [7239]2··
62.700 [8346, 505, 7651, 3967]2··
32.200 [7970, 505, 3967]2··
642 [8337, 3967, 705]2··
372 [7969, 3967, 7657]2··
652 [8337, 3967, 2572]2··
122 [3967, 6242]2··
ke-22 [6242]2··
72 [7657]2··
232 [3967, 7970]1·
2.172; [505, 3967, 7657]1·
62 [8346]1·
912 [6240, 8672, 3967]1·
2.812 [505, 8083, 3967, 6240]1·
242 [3967, 705]1·
52.700 [2572, 505, 7651, 3967]1·
22.273 [6242, 505, 7969, 7657, 3967]1·
2.172 [505, 3967, 7657]1·
120.000 [6240, 7239]1·
212 [3967, 6240]1·
2.322; [505, 7969, 3967, 6242]1·
22.200 [6242, 505, 3967]1·
782 [8084, 7651, 3967]1·
22.600 [6242, 505, 8337, 3967]1·
162 [8346, 3967]1·
1.052; [505, 2572]1·
172 [3967, 7657]1·
32.500 [7970, 505, 2568, 3967]1·
1.222 [505, 3967, 6242]1·
822 [8083, 3967, 6242]1·
1.052 [505, 2572]1·
182 [8084, 3967]1·
ke-52 [2572]1·
22.034 [6242, 505, 7970, 702]1·
832 [8083, 3967, 7970]1·
32.000 [7970, 505]1·
962 [8346, 8141, 8672, 3967]1·
dua sayap2··
selalu ... dua2··
dua kali1·
kedua belas [6240]1·
dua belas [6240]1·
 15·········· ·····
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