AYT is Alkitab Yang Terbuka, PB (2010,..-2024) and PL (2014,...2024).
AYT - text is Copyrighted, YLSA-AYT 2011,2024© -- this is to preserve and protect the quality of the Text. Suggestions, Comments, Changes, Corrections are encouraged, and can be submitted to YLSA-AYT.
AYT - usage (non-commercial) is CopyLefted, 2011🄯 -- this is to allow free usage/distribution of the text
AYT - derivatives (form, format, media, tools, resources) is CC, YLSA-AYT 2011(cc) -- we encourage you to use the AYT in creative ways, and to share the results. Creative Commons(CC) type is Credit(BY), Non-Commercial(NC), Shareable(SA)
AYT - translation license is freely given, 2011-2024 -- information and/or reporting is appreciated, but not required.
AYT permissions are managed by YLSA.
AYT (and Alkitab Yang Terbuka) name are Trademarks associated with the AYT Bible, and AYT ecosystem/tools.
AYT : https://ayt.co
YLSA : https://ylsa.org
Email: ylsa@sabda.org